Power System Solutions

Most energy industry professionals know what switchgear is. The importance of these electrical systems is paramount, as they are vital in managing the flow of electricity, protecting the system from power surges, and reducing the risk of electrical failure. Switchgear also helps ensure the physical safety of those responsible for maintaining and optimizing currents and controls. 

There are several types of switchgear used in different industries. Some common types include:

  1. Low Voltage: This type of switchgear is used in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings to control and distribute electrical power at voltages below 1,000 volts.
  2. Medium Voltage: Medium voltage switchgear is used in industries such as oil and gas, mining, and manufacturing. It operates at voltages between 1,000 and 35,000 volts and is responsible for controlling and protecting electrical equipment in these industries.
  3. High Voltage: High voltage switchgear is used in power generation plants, substations, and transmission networks. It operates at voltages above 35,000 volts and is designed to handle large amounts of electrical power.
  4. Gas Insulated (GIS): GIS is a type of switchgear where the electrical components are enclosed in a sealed environment filled with insulating gas, such as sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). It is commonly used in high voltage applications where space is limited, such as urban areas.
  5. Air Insulated (AIS): AIS is a type of switchgear where the electrical components are exposed to the surrounding air. It is commonly used in low and medium voltage applications where space is not a constraint.
UL891 switchgear

Broadening Our Horizons

As the energy industry has evolved, so has Winn-Marion. In addition to branching out into the EV Charging market, we’ve also established and developed our own switchgear division. By creating power panel packages in-house, we can provide customers with an even greater range of electrical infrastructure resources. Our switchgear is tailored to the precise needs of clients, and our team of experienced engineers and technicians are on hand to provide the best possible service and support. We are confident that our electrical e-houses will exceed customer expectations and provide reliable and cost-effective solutions.

Natural Expansion

Deciding to expand into the switchgear market was driven by two main factors:

First, we noticed that lead times for switchgear were increasing exponentially, causing delays to our clients’ projects. “The current lead time for switchgear can be as high as 40-50 weeks. You’re basically looking at a year,” explained Nick Gunter, the Winn-Marion Switchgear Team Lead. “Right now, the average lead time for just a simple circuit breaker is 8 to 10 weeks!”

As lead times for these power systems grew longer, we realized we already had the capability to manufacture them much faster. This enables us to help our customers keep projects on schedule, while also meeting market demands.

Nick continues: “Other businesses will wait until they have every part of an order, which is bumped to the end of the queue while waiting.” But at Winn-Marion, construction begins as soon as the request is received. By assembling the unit piece-by-piece as materials arrive, the assembly process is dramatically shortened. We can cut the build time down to around 20 weeks – less than half the current typical wait time. We have the materials, bandwidth, and experience necessary to assemble it quickly.”

Our second inspiration for manufacturing low voltage switchgear was realizing that it would help bring Winn-Marion closer to providing a near-complete range of on-site energy services. “We had a ton of electrical projects going on, but we felt like we were missing something,” says Nick. “We’re providing VFD’s, EV Chargers and Generator systems for all these different projects, but they all need switchgear too. So, when we finally decided to start making some, existing clients said, ‘We know you guys, we have a good working relationship, and we want you to handle this part of the project too.’”

Our first efforts with these customers provided the opportunity to develop customized switchgear solutions that met their specifications and were also on time and within budget expectations.

After the success of our first projects, we were able to invest in our newly formed division while extending the service to new customers. To help accomplish this, we purchased new machining equipment that allows us to produce uniform parts faster. We also refined our assembly process to maximize efficiency and reliability.

VFD packages
VFD panels - interior

Evolving Expertise

Since its launch, our switchgear division has thrived, and we are excited to offer tailored electrical house solutions across the United States. All the low voltage switchgear we manufacture is certified to UL891 standards, which is “the most common standard for switchboards broadly recognized and applied in North America.” It is also rated as high as 4,000 amps.

At Winn-Marion, we pride ourselves in providing high-quality custom power solutions, paired with stellar customer service that prioritizes client needs. With over 50 years of industry knowledge, we have the expertise and resources to deliver dependable and effective switchgear that solves energy challenges.

Nick says, “The switchgear part [of our business] is new, but our foundation is so much stronger than others. We have a lot of experience in collaboration and apply that support, quality and value to all of our projects.”

If you’re in need of switchgear, consider Winn-Marion. We invite you to visit us in Colorado to tour our warehouse and discuss your electrical needs and options. Whether you need help determining the perfect switchgear solution for your business, or advice on installation and maintenance, our team can help!

building switchgear