Best-In-Class Partner For All Your Steam Needs
Winn-Marion makes it work. That’s why we hand-pick our partners for total reliability and performance. From conception to
engineering, commissioning, and beyond, we support every product we sell and service.
TLV – A Steam Specialist Company
Founded in 1950 with a simple motto—”Trouble Less Valve”—TLV is a leading provider of steam traps, condensate recovery pumps, pressure reducing valves and other steam-related equipment. Everything needed from the boiler out to the point of use and back.
TLV – Making Steam Work for You

A tradition of innovation
What customers need are solutions, not just products.
To meet the needs of the market, TLV developed a broad range of solutions including steam traps, valves and separators, as well as sophisticated system products and software.

Making steam work for you
Improved productivity, energy conservation and safe, reliable operation.
TLV is a manufacturer with an unwavering dedication to quality. They provide the best possible solutions to increasing energy efficiency, protecting the environment and improving product quality and productivity.

Global support
With subsidiaries in 12 countries, TLV has a network of over 100 distributors in more than 50 countries, including Winn-Marion in the United States.

Key industries include:
Key industries include:
Refining | Petrochemical | Food and Beverage | Chemical | Paper and Printing | Pharmaceuticals | Plastic | Tires and Rubber | Energy Production | Cosmetics | Laundry and Textiles | Breweries
TLV Steam Traps
A steam trap is a kind of automatic valve that discharges condensate generated during processes and in steam transport lines while preventing any steam from escaping (‘trapping’ the steam). Steam traps can be divided into three general categories based on their operation mechanism: mechanical, thermodynamic, and thermostatic. TLV manufactures all three of these categories.
Winn-Marion can help you find the best TLV steam traps to suit your needs.
TLV Condensate Recovery Pumps
TLV offers a broad line-up of condensate recovery equipment optimized to suit each condensate recovery application and capacity. Included are ejector-type pumps for the recovery of high temperature condensate, mechanical pumps that use no electricity (PowerTrap®), and vacuum pumps suitable for the recovery of low-pressure, low-temperature condensate.
These pumps recover high-temperature condensate and deliver it to another location. Collects, removes, and transports condensate that has accumulated inside the equipment.
Winn-Marion can help you choose, install, and integrate the right TLV condensate recovery pumps for your needs.
TLV Pressure Reducing Valves
Valves for controlling steam or air pressure. Selection can be made from a wide assortment of models, including pilot-operated models, direct-acting models, and models with integral separators and steam traps. High-precision pressure reducing valves for process applications employ a separator with steam trap and shock-absorbing spherical piston to yield a superior flow rate. The basic configuration of pressure reducing valves for air is identical to that of those for steam; as such, they are able to offer the same benefits.
Winn-Marion provides a wide range of pressure reducing valves to suit your steam system’s needs.
TLV Steam Trap Surveys
Winn-Marion provides steam trap surveys to ensure energy efficiency and longevity of equipment. The organizational benefits of utilizing steam to its full potential and treating the steam system as an asset are significant. We create clear visualizations of even complex steam systems and implement mechanisms that help keep plants in their optimal state and deliver sustained value to the organization through improved plant operation and maintenance.
Our steam trap surveys help you optimize your steam solutions for your business.
Steam Surveys – Diagnosis and Management
Steam trap management system comprised of a precision trap survey instrument and management software.
From initial preparations and inspection route planning to final check of results, the TLV TrapMan System offers powerful support for managing steam trap operations. Much more than the tools themselves, the combined experience of TLV specialist engineers, has led to the development of the methods for establishing a truly cost effective management system.
TLV is one of many brands Winn-Marion is proud to represent.
Through our partnership with TLV, Winn-Marion offers a complete line of industrial steam technologies and products designed by a manufacturer with a long and proud history of innovation and impeccable quality in delivering solutions to your business’ needs.
Winn-Marion endeavors to provide all of our customers with quality products and innovative solutions—properly selected to fit each application—every time. We don’t just sell products and wish you good luck. We can assist in startup, integration & customization tailored exactly to our customers’ needs.