Best-In-Class Partners for Flow Control Solutions and Services
Neles | Jamesbury | Valvcon | Stonel
Through our partnership with Valmet, Winn-Marion offers a complete line of valves and flow control products – electric actuators for accurate positioning of dampers and valves in the aerospace, automotive, consumer services, discrete manufacturing, energy, environmental, oil/pipeline, petrochemical, power/utilities, process, recreation, transportation, and water/wastewater industries.
We don’t just sell products and wish you good luck.
We’re with you every step of the way. We can assist in startup, integration, and customization tailored exactly to our customers’ needs.
Valmet – Leading process technology
Valmet is a global leader in flow control solutions designed to help you optimize your process performance, safety and reliability. Winn-Marion offers and supports Valmet’s offerings of flow control products, including Neles, Jamesbury, Valvcon and Stonel valves.
Winn-Marion provides expert assembly and install of Valmet’s flow control products, including network-ready, automated on/off tight-shutoff valves and intelligent devices.
Valmet: Durable Valves for Various Needs

Providing Flow Control Solutions to Process Industries
Solutions include: energy, power-to-X, pulp, paper and bioproducts, gas processing, mining, chemicals, steel, industrial gas, marine, pipeline, refining, water and wastewater, construction and cement handling, and various other process industries.

Reliable products and services through expertise
With over 220 combined years of industrial expertise, Valmet products and services drive reliability and profitable, sustainable growth to customers all over the world.

Extensive Valve Offerings
Valmet’s extensive portfolio of valve products, including Valvcon and Neles-Jamesbury products, encapsulate every type of valve:
Control valves, on-off valves, emergency shutdown valves, ball valves, butterfly valves, globe valves, segment valves, pinch valves, eccentric rotary plug valves.

Valve control, actuators, and limit switches
Digital valve controllers bring advanced intelligence and functionality to your valve operations.
Pneumatic, electropneumatic and digital valve controllers actively seek out opportunities for improving process efficiency and enable the planning of predictive valve maintenance based on accurate data.
Valmet Jamesbury Ball Valves
Jamesbury Ball valves are designed to truly optimize the efficiency of process operations by offering best-in-class valve capacity. They provide long-lasting tightness and industry-leading valve reliability, certified to SIL 3.
Our product range includes both metal and soft-seated and rubber-lined butterfly valves.
Valmet Neles™ Control Valves
Control valves are the most important part of any process control loop, vital in stabilizing processes. Neles™ control valves are engineered, manufactured, tested and optimized for your specific application.
Valmet and Winn-Marion provide flow control solutions that offer reliability, productivity, and sustainability, allowing you to maximize your output and profitability.
Valmet Pinch Valves
Designed for extreme shut off and control applications involving abrasive or corrosive slurries, powders or granular substances, Valmet offers Flowrox PV, PVE and PVE/S heavy duty pinch valves. Designed for ultimate reliability, pinch valves provide unrestricted flow when in the open position, to total closure when the two pinch bars squeeze the valve sleeve shut on the center line. Even if solids have built up on the sleeve wall, pinch valves provide bubble tight shut-off.
Pinch valves for shut-off and control you can count on.
Valmet On-Off Valves
Intelligent, reliable, on-off Neles™ valve solutions for general and high-cycle applications will help to reduce the life-cycle costs. Our valve solutions provide long lasting tight shut-off with fast and safe operation together with reduced fugitive emissions.
Neles™ shut-off valves, combined with intelligent valve controllers, provide diagnostic capabilities and increase plant safety.
Together with Winn-Marion, Valmet offers Neles on-off valves designed to provide unprecedented control and reliability.
Valmet Emergency Shutdown Valves
Reliable intelligent emergency shutdown (ESD) valves and actuators with Neles™ ValvGuard™ intelligent valve controllers improve your plant safety cost-efficiently.
Valmet brings its extensive know-how of valves, actuators, safety standards, applications, system operability, and partial stroke test devices with intelligent prediction tools to provide products.
Valmet emergency shutdown valves enable you to deal with emergencies effectively and even stop them before they start.
Valvcon Electric Actuators
Valvcon actuators offer reliable, long-lasting performance. We offer a wide range of high-quality pneumatic actuators, electric actuators and manual actuators designed to maximize cycle life and improve process efficiency.
Our offering includes solutions for both rotary and linear valves, including rack and pinion actuators as well as spring-diaphragm actuators, that provide accurate, electronically controlled positioning of valves and dampers for process industries.
Winn-Marion and Valmet offer a comprehensive range of valve actuators to suit your every need regardless of valve type, size or even manufacturer.
Pneumatic Actuators
We offer a wide range of high-quality pneumatic actuators, electric actuators and manual actuators designed to maximize cycle life and improve process efficiency including:
Jamesbury™ Valv-Powr™ VPVL
Neles™ pneumatic cylinder actuators, series B1
Neles B series piston type
Jamesbury™ Quadra-Powr™ X spring-diaphragm actuators
Our offering includes solutions for both rotary and linear valves, including rack and pinion actuators as well as spring-diaphragm actuators for a variety of applications including emergency shutdown, compressor anti-surge, high cycle control and on-off applications, high precision control, and arctic service.
Valmet is one of many brands Winn-Marion is proud to represnt.
Quality products and innovative solutions properly selected to fit each application—every time.